Marika Niko (she/they) is a producer and facilitator with a choreographic mind. From Japan. After being a nomad for most of her life ‒ Thailand, UK, the Netherlands, UAE, US ‒ she is currently based in Japan. She graduated from New York University Abu Dhabi with a BA in Theater and Duke University’s Dance: Embodied interdisciplinary Praxis with an MFA in Dance.

They are interested in using “social choreography” as a tool to imagine, rehearse, and experience alternative forms of social organization. As a choreographer, curator, facilitator, and community-organizer, they create situations that weave different relationships among humans, non-humans, space, and time, which is expressed in their ongoing work Meshroom (2022 to present). In 2024, she started her current role as a Producer in Dance at Aichi Prefectural Art Theater.

振付的思考を持ったプロデューサー・ファシリテーター。タイ、イギリス、オランダ、アラブ首長国連邦、アメリカでノマド生活を続けた後、現在は日本を拠点にしている。ニューヨーク大学アブダビ校にて 演劇の文学士号を、デューク大学大学院にてダンス・振付の美術学修士号を取得。
